王明月 教授






美國 Michigan State University 英美文學博士










1. <歷史/傳奇:從中世紀英國亞瑟王文學論中世紀文本研究的新方向> <<中外文學>> 23.1 (1994): 6-27.

2. Text and Textual Genericity: Toward a Poetics of Middle English Romance. Journal of National Chung Cheng UniversitySection I: Humanities 5.1(1994): 1-30.

3. <從比較<騎士的故事><騎士侍從的故事>論喬塞兩篇傳奇詩作裡所詠嘆的 <藝界人生>><<英美文學研究>> 台北:英美文學研究學會。199945-77 國科會甲等研究獎。

4. <世俗化的聖徒傳:淺論當代文本研究與中古善本文化> <<英美文學研究論文集>> 台北:台灣師大。20001-53.

5. < Arcite 之死><<中外文學>>200135-76

6. “Order, Freedom, and ‘commune profyt’ in Chaucer’s Parlement of Foulys.” Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 11.2(2003): 283-297.

7. <「他談情說愛的功夫行嗎?」: 情話與騎士精神>, <<中外文學>>200475-96

8. “Ingmar Bergman’s Appropriations of the Medieval Images of Death in The Seventh Seal.” Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 17.1 (2009): 41-62.

9. “Making the Medieval Less Foreign: Expanding Worldviews in Taiwan Classrooms.” Spectrum 6 (2010): 79-98.

10. “‘Adieu, Adieu, Remember Me’: The Death of Hamlet the Dane.” Literature and Culture before 1900. NSYSU Journal of Humanities 29 (2010): 31-49.

11. “Loci of Solitude: the Idea of ‘Pryvetee’ in Chaucer.” Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 4.2 (2011): 1-21.

12. “Chaucer’s English and Multilingualism.” The Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea 22.2 (2014).

13. “ ‘O Ghostly Tresurer, O Ransomer, O Redeemer’: Economic Expression in Everyman.” The Journal of English Language & Literature63.1 (2017): 45-61.

14. 〈來而不往非禮也: 論英國中世紀道德劇 <<每個人>> 的生死經濟學〉 (Voluntary Exchange: the Concept of Salvation in Everyman) 【中世紀與文藝復興研究】 創刊號。即將出版 (2018)

15. Voluntary Exchange: the Concept of Salvation in Everyman (〈來而不往非禮也: 論英國中世紀道德劇 <<每個人>> 的生死經濟學〉) 【中世紀與文藝復興研究論叢】 創刊號。Medieval and Renaissance Studies. No.1 (2019): 59-85

16. Medieval Sexuality: Time Past in Time Future (〈中世紀英國文學中的性觀念:鑒往知來〉) 【中世紀與文藝復興研究論叢】Medieval and Renaissance Studies. No. 2 (2020): 117-39.

17. “Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale in the Ellesmere Manuscript and its Generic Problems.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern English Studies 30.2(2020): 1-23.


1. “The Question of Insanity in Sir Orfeo.” Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the Age of Globalization: Proceedings of 2006 International Conference of the Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea. Seoul: Yonsei U, 2006. 29-38.

2. “Appropriations of the Medieval Images of Death in Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957).” Adaptation and Appropriation of Medieval and Early Modern English Literature: Proceedings of 2008 International Conference of the Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea. Seoul: Korea U, 2008. 80-90.

3. “Sir Orfeo on the Edge of the World: Fairies and Nature in Sir Orfeo.” The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature. Ed. Brian Reynolds. Taipei: Fu Jen UP, 2008. 163-69.

4. “Being Alone: the Idea of 'Pryvetee' in Chaucer.” Loci of Light and Darkness: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Addendum 1-7.

5. “Adieu, Adieu, Remember Me’: The Death of Hamlet the Dane” Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities 29 (2010):31-49.

6. “Madness of Heurodis inSir Orfeo.” Emotions in Literature. Eds. An Sonjae and Francis K.H. So. Seoul: Seoul National UP, 2010. 77-103.

7. “A Passion for Learning: Knowledge Acquisition and Management in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe.” The Culture of Learning: Papers from the Classic, Medieval, and Renaissance Culture and Literature.Ed. Roger Perng. Changhua: National Changhua Normal UP. (forthcoming, 2017).

8. “A Passion for Learning: Knowledge Acquisition and Management in

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe.” The Culture of Learning:

Papers from the Classic, Medieval, and Renaissance Culture and Literature. Ed. Roger Perng. Changhua: National Changhua Normal UP, 2018. 32-48.


1. “Order, Freedom, and ‘commune profyt’ in The Parliament of Fowels.” Seoul University, 2003.

2. “Colors in Medieval Literature.” University of Birmingham, 2006.

3. “Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a Foul Disease.” National Sun Yet-san University, 2008.

4. “Human Monsters, Fairies, Wanderers in Medieval Literature.” Tamkang University, May 7, 2009.

5. “Medieval Studies in Asia.” 2010 CARMEN (Co-operative for the Advancement of Research Through a Medieval European Network) Annual Meeting. Tallinn: Tallinn University, Estonia. September 17-19, 2010. (Posters and PPT Presentation)

6. “Medieval Studies in Taiwan.” 2011 CARMEN (Co-operative for the Advancement of Research Through a Medieval European Network) Annual Meeting. Segovia: IE University , Estonia. September 9-11, 2011. (Posters and PPT Presentation)

7. <歷史/傳奇:從中世紀英國亞瑟王文學論中世紀文本研究的新方向>,第十八屆全國比較文學會議,嘉義縣:國立中正大學。

8. <世俗化的聖徒傳:中古英國傳奇與聖徒傳記>,第六屆中華民國英美文學研討會。 台北:台灣師大。

9. “Resituating Authority: Chaucer’s Italian Liaison.” The 3rd Annual Medieval Conference. Taipei: Fu-jen University, 2002.

10. “Mirror in Renaissance Art” The 7th Renaissance Conference. Kaohsiung; NSYSU, 2002.

11. “Kan he speke wel of love? ‘Luf talk’ and Chivalry.” The 4th Annual Medieval Conference. Taipei: Fu-jen University, 2003.

12. “Order, Freedom, and ‘commune profyt’ in the Parliament of Fowls.” The 6th International Medieval Conference. Seoul: Korea University, 2003.

13. “To Make Much of Time: Problems of Love-making in the Parliament of Fowls.” The 5th Annual Medieval Conference. Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University, 2004.

14. “Making it Strange: the Idea of Romance in Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale.” The 9th Biennial Conference on Medieval Romance. Dublin: Univ. College Dublin, 2004.

15. “The Fairy Realm in Sir Orfeo.” The 7th Annual Medieval Conference. Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University, 2006.

16. “Adam and Eve ‘Embow’red’ in Milton’s Paradise Lost, IX, 1037-45.” The 8th Annual Renaissance Conference. Kaohsiung: Sun Yat-sen University, 2006.

17. “Emotion and Imagination.” Emotion in Literature Workshop (I), Kaohsiung: Sun Yat-sen University Humanities and Social Sciences Center Yardstick Research Group, 2006.

18. “Question of Insanity in Sir Orfeo.” MEMESAK (Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea) International Conference. Seoul: Yonsei University, 2006.

19. “Performing Emotions: Violence, Music, and the Self in Sir Orfeo.” Emotion in Literature Workshop (II), Kaohsiung: Sun Yat-sen University Humanities and Social Sciences Center Yardstick Research Group, 2007.

20. “The Medieval Art of Dying Well and the Death of Antonius Block.” (“Ingmar Bergman’s Appropriations of the Medieval Images of Death in The Seventh Seal (1957).” ) MEMESAK (Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea) International Medieval Conference. Seoul: Yonsei University, 2008.

21. “Making the Medieval Less Foreign: Expanding Worldviews in Taiwan Classrooms.” ACLA (Association of Comparative Literature of America) Conference. Boston: Harvard University, March 26-29, 2009.

22. “Being Alone: the Idea of ‘Pryvetee’ in Chaucer.” The 3rd TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies) International Conference. Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University, April 24-25, 2009.

23. “Being Sentient and Sentient Being: the Medieval Way of Going Green.” Ecological Literature and Environmental Education Conference. Peking: Peking University, August 14-20, 2009.

24. “Raw, Half-cooked, and Cooked Barbarians: Wanderers in the Early Medieval Period.” The 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS). Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, May 13-16, 2010.

25. “Teaching Chaucer in Taiwan.” UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies & Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Annual Conference. Perth: University of Western Australia, August 17-18, 2012.

26. “Tamsui in 1597-1661 and Today’s Tamsui: History, Culture, and Memory.” International Conference on Tourism and the Shifting Values of Cultural Heritage. Taipei: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, May 5-9, 2013.

27. A Comparative Religious Study of C. S. Lewiss A Confession. 22 屆詩學會議:「緣情言志‧終極關懷—詩與宗教學術研討會」Changhua: National Changhua University of Education, May 24, 2013.

28. “Travel for Pleasure? : the Doing of Pilgrimage and the Being of a Pilgrim in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.” The 19th International Medieval Congress, Leeds (IMC). Leeds: University of Leeds, June 30-July 4, 2013.

29. “The Gist of Astronomy in Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe.” The 7th International Conference of Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS). Changhua: National Changhua University of Education, October 25-26, 2013.

30. “When the Living Meets the Dead: the Issue of Remembrance in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.” The 60th Annual Conference of Renaissance Society of America (RSA). New York: Warwick Hotel New York, March 27-29, 2014.

31. “Global Chaucer in Taiwan.” The Nineteenth Biennial International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. Reykjavik, Iceland. July 16- 20, 2014.

32. “When Global Chaucers Go Local: Teaching Chaucer in Chinese.” The Twentieth Biennial International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. London. July 10-16, 2016.

33. “ ‘O Ghostly Tresurer, O Ransomer, O Redeemer’: Economic Expression in Everyman.” The 2016 ELLAK Meeting. Daijeon, Korea. December 13-15, 2016.

34. 來而不往非禮也: 論英國中世紀道德劇 <<每個人>> 的生死經濟學〉 (Resonance and Wonder: the Concept of Donation in Everyman) 。西洋古典暨中世紀學術研討會。台北: 輔仁大學,May 13, 2017

35. 〈來而不往非禮也: 論英國中世紀道德劇 <<每個人>> 的生死經濟學再探〉 (Voluntary Exchange: the Concept of Salvation in Everyman) 。轉折中的早期英國文學研究: 青年學者論壇。杭州: 浙江大學,October 13-15, 2017

36. 〈中世紀英國文學中的性觀念:鑑往知來〉 (Medieval Sexuality: Time Past in Time Future) 第二屆 轉折中的早期英國文學研究: 青年學者論壇。杭州: 浙江大學,October 11-14, 2018

37. “Gifts as Media in the Squire’s Tale and the Ellesmere Manuscript.” The 2019 International Conference of the KAMEMES. Yonsei University, Seoul. October 19, 2019.

38. “‘A Very Nourishing Dish’: Malady and Remedy in Henry, Duke of Lancaster’s Book of Holy Medicines.” The 13th TACMRS International Conference. Fu-Jen University, Taipei. November 1-2, 2019.

39. “‘Blood-letting’ Pies, Stray Flies, Parsley, and Stuffing Geese: Food Safety and Food Fraud in Chaucer’s England.” The 14th TACMRS International Conference. National Taiwan University, Taipei. October 23-24, 2020.

40. “Milton’s Eco-Paradise: Purer Air in the Garden of Eden in Paradise Lost.” The 2020 CMRS International Online Symposium on Milton, Shakespeare, and Early European Literature. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. October 30-November 2, 2020.


1. 1995 King Arthur in Four Middle English Romances. NSC84-2411-H-194-008. 經費來源:國科會人文處

2. 1996 Text as History: the Writings of King Arthurs storie. NSC85-2411- H-194-010. 經費來源:國科會人文處

3. 1999 Boethius and Chaucer: a Generic Study of Chaucers Romances (I-II). NSC89-2411-H-194-032. Part (I). 經費來源:國科會人文處

4. 2000 Knights Tale and Chaucers Romance Poetics. NSC 38th Overseas Research Project. NSC38169F. 經費來源:國科會國際合作處

5. 2000 Boethius and Chaucer: a Generic Study of Chaucers Romances (II-II). NSC89-2411-H-194-71. Part (II). Boethian Echoes and the Open Closure of Chaucers The Knights Tale, a research essay for NSC89-2411-H-194-032 經費來源:國科會人文處

6. 2004 NSC 西洋中世紀文化研習營」計畫 經費來源:國科會人文學中心

7. 2005 MOE 「中世紀研究導論」課程計畫,「教育部人文社會科學教育──主題導向之跨校合作計劃」。經費來源: 教育部

8. 2006 MOE 「中世紀研究導論」課程計畫,「教育部人文社會科學教育──主題導向之跨校合作計劃」。經費來源: 教育部

9. 2006 NSYSU 「文學中的情感」分項計畫,子計畫「西歐中世紀文學中的情感與其表達方式(II-I 2006 「國立中山大學發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫-卓越研究小組-人文社會科學中心」經費來源: 教育部。

10. 2006 MOE 「拓寬台灣人文學界西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興語文人才視野和能量計畫」,子計畫「西洋十七世紀以前古典語文及文化系列講座、工作坊及網站計劃」經費來源: 教育部。

11. 2007 NSYSU 「文學中的情感」分項計畫, 子計畫「西歐中世紀文學中的情感與其表達方式(II-II) 國立中山大學發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫-卓越研究小組-人文社會科學中心」經費來源: 教育部。

12. 2012 NSC 喬叟<<坎特伯利故事集>>中的「野蠻人、東方人、及猶太人」計畫編號:101-2410-H-194-121-MY2 經費來源:國家科學委員會。

13. 2013 NSC 喬叟<<坎特伯利故事集>>中的「野蠻人、東方人、及猶太人」計畫編號:101-2410-H-194-121-MY2 經費來源:國家科學委員會。

14. 2014 MUST [NSC]「慟哭流涕的藝術:英國傳奇文學與情感表達,1350-1500 。」經費來源: 科技部。計畫編號:MOST-103-2410-H-194-101。經費來源:國家科技部。

15. 2014-2016 MUST 「台灣匯文網重建計畫--匯文網重建:古典、中世紀暨文藝復興研究」計畫編號:MOST-102-2420-H-110-006-MY3 經費來源:國家科技部。 共同主持人。

16. 2016 MOST 論喬叟《托艾勒斯與克麗西妲》之憂傷論述與淚水藝術。



2003. “Order, Freedom, and ‘commune profyt’ in The Parliament of Fowels.” Seoul University, 2003.

2006. “Colors in Medieval Literature.” University of Birmingham, 2006.

2008. “Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a Foul Disease.” National Sun Yet-san University, 2008.

2009. “Human Monsters, Fairies, Wanderers in Medieval Literature.” Tamkang University, May 07, 2009.

2009. “Being Sentient and Sentient Being: the Medieval Way of Going Green.” Ecological Literature and Environmental Education Conference. Peking: Peking University, August 14-20, 2009.

2010. “Medieval Studies in Asia.” 2010 CARMEN (Co-operative for the Advancement of Research Through a Medieval European Network) Annual Meeting. Tallinn: Tallinn University, Estonia. September 17-19, 2010.

2011. “Medieval Studies in Taiwan.” 2011 CARMEN (Co-operative for the Advancement of Research Through a Medieval European Network) Annual Meeting. Segovia: IE University , Estonia. September 09-11, 2011.

2012. “Teaching Chaucer in Taiwan.” 2012 PMRG (Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group): Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, UWA, Australia, August 18-19, 2012.

2013. “The Gist of Astronomy in Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe.” The 7th TACMRS Conference. Changhua: National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan. October 25, 2013.

2015. “Global Languages and Local Cultures in Medieval English Literature.” 2015 MOST Lecture Series. Tainan: National Cheng Kung University. April 8, 2015.

2017. 〈來而不往非禮也: 論英國中世紀道德劇 <<每個人>> 的生死經濟學再探〉(Voluntary Exchange: the Concept of Salvation in Everyman) 轉折中的早期英國文學研究: 青年學者論壇。杭州: 浙江大學 (ZJU, China)October 13-15, 2017

2017. 〈何以成就喬叟在異鄉? 閒話中世紀英文、文學與文化〉(The Making of Chaucer in a Foreign Land: Understanding Middle English, Literature, and Culture). 轉折中的早期英國文學研究: 青年學者論壇。Pre-conference lecture. 杭州: 浙江大學 (ZJU, China)October 13, 2017

2018. 中世紀英國文學中的性觀念:鑑往知來〉 (Medieval Sexuality: Time Past in Time Future) ,杭州: 浙江大學 (ZJU, China)October 12-15, 2018

2018. “Women and Writing in Medieval England.” Shanghai: Fudan University, October 10, 2018.


2004. Workshop: 「西洋中世紀文化研習營」。台北:輔仁大學,2004

2007. The 1st International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 2007.

2008. The 2nd International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshiung, 2008.

2009. The 3rd International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 2009.

2010. 2010 Postgraduate Conference: Medieval Literature and Culture, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, 2010.

2010. 2010 International Medieval Congress (IMC). Panel title: “The Social Function of Wealth, and the Problem with Wealthy Nuns, Monks, and Priests.” Leeds: U of Leeds, UK, 2010.

2010. The 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS). Session title: “Clash of Cultures: Confronting the Other in the Early and High Middle Ages.” Kalamazoo: Western Michigan U, USA, 2010.

2010. The 4th International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, 2010.

2011. The 5th International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshiung, 2011.

2012. The 6th International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), Tunghai University, Taichung, 2012.

2013. The 7th International Conference of TACMRS (Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, 2013.