姓名 |
鄭英雪 |
職稱 |
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最高學歷 |
美國 The Ohio State University 外語及第二外語教育博士 |
研究領域 |
電腦輔助英語寫作、語料庫與英語教學、專業英語、字彙教學研究、研究生文獻探討行為 |
研究室 |
文382 |
分機 |
31219 |
個人網站 |
Cheng, Y.-H. (July 24, 2021). Using Wix-based e-portfolio in an EFL writing class. Paper presented at the 38th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (ICETL), Kaohsiung [Virtual conference].
Cheng, Y.-H. (April 16-17, 2021). Incorporating concordancing into paraphrasing instruction. Paper presented at the International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT), Taipei.
Cheng, Y.-H. (September 26-27, 2020). Corpus tools for error correction: How useful can they be? Paper presented at the 3rd Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, Taipei.
Vo, D. A. U. & Cheng, Y.-H. (October 16-17, 2020). Needs analysis of Vietnamese Daikin engineers in their workplace: A preliminary study. Paper will be present at the 2020 TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, Taipei.
Cheng, Y.-H. (May 17, 2019). Implementing task-based learning in an escort interpreting course. Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning. Tunghai University, Taiwan.
Yang, J.-E. & Cheng, Y.-H. (May 17, 2019). A corpus-based study of hedging devices about epistemic modality markers used in online newspaper editorials. Poster presented at The 36th International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning, Tunghai University.
Cheng, Y.-H. (March 12, 2019). Training L2 writers to correct errors with corpus tools. Paper presented at the 54th RELC International Conference and 5th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference. Singapore.
Cheng, Y.-H., & Feng, H. H. (August 2018). Effects and preferences for using corpus tools for correcting errors. Paper presented at the 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing (SSLW), Vancouver, Canada.
Lo, Y. G., & Cheng, Y.-H. (August 2018). Do English patterns matter in writing? Divergent perspectives from EFL learners and ESL teachers. Paper presented at the Symposium on Second Language Writing (SSLW), Vancouver, Canada.
Cheng, Y.-H. (May 2017). Integrating TED Talks into EFL listening and speaking—A blended course project. Paper presented at the 34th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (ETRA), National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology.
Cheng, Y.-H. (November 2015). What happens when Facebook meets TED Talk in an English listening and speaking classroom? Paper presented at the Taiwan E-learning Forum (TWELF), Kaohsiung.
Cheng, Y.-H., & Nespor, J. (April 2013). Playing writing games from PhD curriculum to the dissertation. Paper accepted by the 2013 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, California.
Wells, G., Haneda, M., & Cheng, Y.-H. (March 2013). Linguistic co-membership and disciplinary enculturation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Dallas, Texas.
Cheng, Y.-H. (October 2012). What happens when Chinese-speaking students work with their Chinese-speaking advisors in a US university? Paper presented at the 31st Second Language Research Forum (SLRF)—Building Bridges between Disciplines: SLA in Many Contexts at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cheng, Y.-H. (September 2012). A case study of three Chinese-speaking PhD students' transitions from course work to dissertation in a US university. Paper presented at the 11th Symposium on Second Language Writing at Purdue University (SSLW), West Lafayette, Indiana.
Cheng, Y.-H. (August 2012). “Who read the proposal before I did?”: A case study of a dissertation grant proposal writing process. Paper presented at the 7th Intercultural Rhetoric & Discourse Conference at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Cheng, Y.-H. (September 2011). Multilingual students’ disciplinary literacy practices in the master’s level. Paper presented at the 30th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Ames, Iowa State University.
Nespor, J., Haneda, M., Cheng, Y.-H., & Mizuno, M. (April 2011). Contests of discourses: Policy, social movements, and public narratives of immigration and ESL teaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, Louisiana.
Nespor, J., Haneda, M., Mizuno, M., & Cheng, Y.-H. (April 2011). Re-imagining teaching: Occupational identity and the construction of practice among ESL teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cheng, Y.-H. (March 2011). Learning over time: Co-construction of idiomatic meanings in a multicultural ESL classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, Illinois.
Cheng, Y.-H. (June 2010) Contexts for learning: Co-construction of idiomatic meanings in an ESL classroom. Paper presented at the Discourse Analysis and Educational Research Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Cheng, Y.-H., Liu, Y-H, & Saunders, Jr. C. T. (May 2010). Foreign language anxieties and attitudes: A case study of Chinese-speaking international students’ learning experiences in American classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL), Atlanta, Georgia.
Cheng, Y.-H., Liu, Y-H, & Saunders, Jr. C. T. (March 2010). Chinese international students’ anxieties and attitudes concerning language barriers to learning in American classrooms. Paper presented at the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Cheng, Y.-H. (February 2010). Self-reports of four native and nonnative doctoral students’ English reading experiences. Paper presented at the 2010 Academic Literacies Symposium, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Cheng, Y.-H. (March 2008). Project-based learning: Using photo story to broadcast Penghu islands. Paper presented at the 2nd National Conference on College English, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2008-2013 博士: 美國 The Ohio State University 外語及第二外語教育
2002-2005 碩士: 國立高雄第一科技大學 應用英語研究所 英語教學組
2000-2002 二技: 國立高雄第一科技大學 應用英語系
1995-2000 五專: 國立屏東商業技術學院 應用外語科
08/2014-07/2017 國立屏東科技大學 語言中心 專案助理教授
08/2013-07/2014 國立臺灣科技大學 數位學習與教育研究所 蔡今中講座教授研究團隊 博士後研究人員
10/2012- 06/2013 美國俄亥俄州立大學 課輔學習中心 志工教師
09/2005- 07/2008 國立澎湖科技大學 通識教育中心 專案講師
109-1 碩士論文口試委員 (國立高雄科技大學 應用語言學與英語教學碩士班) 108-2 學期 碩士論文口試委員 (國立雲林科技大學 應用外語所)
108-2 學期 碩士論文口試委員 (國立高雄科技大學 應用語言學與英語教學碩士班)
05/2017 106學年度統一入學測驗英語類非選擇題電腦閱卷評閱委員
06/01/2016 國立中山大學教學卓越中心演講 (講題:使用語料庫提昇英語學術寫作)
04/30-05/01/2016 105學年度四技二專統一入學測驗監試人員
01/06/2016 義守大學應用英語研究所 碩士論文口試委員
11/30/2014 國際電腦教育研討會(ICCE)引言人 (Workshop 9: The Application for Information and Communication Technologies in Adult and Continuing Education) 10/24/2014 國立臺灣大學寫作中心演講 (講題:寫作小幫手—談語料庫的使用) 11/2013 國立臺灣科技大學應用科學研究所演講 (講題:使用語料庫提昇英語期刊論文寫作)
Journal/Conference/Book reviewer:
- Computer-assisted Language Learning
- English Teaching and Learning
- Taiwan Journal of TESOL
- Taiwan International ESP Journal
- Computers and Education - The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
- Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE)
- International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE)
- Online Information Review
- International Conference for Personal Epistemology and Learning in Digital Age (PEL)