學年度 |
學 生 |
指導教授 |
畢業論文 |
109 | 田珮苑 | 洪銓修 | Applying Game-based Activities to Activate Young EFL Learners’ Motivation |
105 |
蔡富美 |
紀鳳鳴 |
Exploring Taiwanese EFL Elementary School Students’ Story Composition Process via Structure-Based Storytelling Instruction |
105 |
李珮甄 |
紀鳳鳴 |
The Effects of an Interactive Reading Aloud Method for Focused Phonics Instruction on EFL Low Achiever’s Word Recognition and Reading Fluency |
105 |
林佳秀 |
洪銓修 |
The study of using cooperative learning to enhance secondary school EFL learners’ reading comprehension |
103 |
孫苑玲 |
陳玉美 |
The Effects of Practicing Student Teams Achievement Divisions on Taiwanese’s Fifth Graders’ English |
103 |
江怡香 |
黃惠玲 |
A Case Study of Integrating Starfall into English Language Teaching by EFL Elementary School Teachers |
102 |
黃奕嘉 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of the Cognitive Linguistic Approach and the Traditional Approach on Junior High School Students’ Grammar Learning |
102 |
王惠琪 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of Employing Games in Grammatical Practice on Junior High School Students’ Learning Outcomes and Learning Motivation |
102 |
陳聿姮 |
陳玉美 |
Taiwanese English Language Teachers’ Attitudes Toward English Accents: A Pluralistic View of English |
102 |
林廷錩 |
洪銓修 |
The Effects of Cooperative Concept Mapping Instruction on Reading Comprehension |
102 |
鄧欣怡 |
洪銓修 |
Exploring the Use of Picture Books in Elementary EFL Class |
102 |
蘇明慧 |
洪銓修 |
A Descriptive Study of English Teachers’ Beliefs on Reading Instruction in Junior High School |
102 |
陳宗賜 |
陳月妙 |
The Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension in Taiwan’s College Entrance Examination |
102 |
林忠儀 |
陳玟君 |
The Effects of Game-Integrated Remedial Instruction through IWB on Low-Achievers’ Literacy Development |
101 |
蕭淑芬 |
葉純純 |
Dialogue Journal Interaction between Commercial High School Students and Teacher: Exploring the Zone of Proximal Development |
101 |
劉文翰 |
洪銓修 |
The Effects of Digital Storytelling Instruction on 6th Grades' Learning Motivation and English Oral Proficiency |
101 |
張淑卿 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in an EFL Elementary School Classroom |
101 |
楊欣蒼 |
洪銓修 |
國民小學教師及行政人員對英語文教學之研究 |
101 |
林貞伃 |
紀鳳鳴 |
The Feasibility of Dyad QAR in an EFL Junior-High-School Class |
101 |
賴蘭香 |
洪銓修 |
A Study of Using Extensive Reading in an Elementary School EFL Context |