學年度 |
學 生 |
指導教授 |
畢業論文 |
112 | 沈清姮 | 鄭英雪 | Exploring English Needs of Journalism Students at a Vietnamese University |
112 | 吳敏琪 | 吳勉禛 | Raising Learners’ Learning Motivation and Achievement via Literary Content-based Instruction in an EFL Context |
112 | 吳彥佑 | 鄭英雪 | An Exploration of Taiwanese Engineering Students’ Perceptions, Challenges, and Learning Strategies in EMI Courses |
112 | 李佳育 | 鄭英雪 | A Study on the Application of the E-Portfolio Approach in An University English Composition Classroom |
112 | 黃柏翔 | 林惠玲 | A Study on the Relationships among English Reading Anxiety, Reading Motivation, and Reading Strategy of Taiwanese Junior High School Students |
112 | 蔡宜靜 | 陳玟君 | Exploring EOP Needs of Taiwanese Flight Attendants |
112 | 林品萱 | 鄭英雪 | A Needs Analysis of English for Research and Development Engineers at a Multinational Company |
112 | 陳亭妘 | 楊敏 | An Investigation of Incorporating Peer Feedback in English Oral Presentations: Perspectives from a University Instructor and Students |
111 | 王乙雯 | 陳玟君 | Parental Involvement and Students’ English Learning Performance in a Rural Cram School in Xin-Gang in Taiwan to Write MA Theses in English |
111 | 吳思蘋 | 葉純純 | Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Students’ Perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) |
111 | 鍾坤良 | 鄭英雪 | Investigating Effects and Perspectives of Co-teaching Program on EFL Junior High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Listening Ability |
111 | 裴氏芳 | 鄭英雪 | English Needs Analysis of Food and Beverage Employees at a 5-star Resort in Vietnam |
111 | 紀 婷 | 何德華 | A Journey of an Indonesian English Teacher in an Elementary School in Taiwan |
111 | 張景翔 | 鄭英雪 | Investigating the Use of Google Translate to Post-edit Translation |
111 | 潘雲嵩 | 陳玟君 | Podcast as an EFL Supplementary Material: Listening Comprehension and Receptivity in a High School Classroom |
111 | 李明智 | 林惠玲 | Foreign Language Writing Anxiety during Master's Thesis Writing: A study on TEFL Graduate Students |
110 | 楊佳恩 | 鄭英雪 |
Investigating Taiwanese College Students’ Use of Corpus Tools for Error Correction |
110 | 林怡璇 | 鄭英雪 | Investigating English Needs and Compilation of Wordlists for Biochemistry Learners |
110 | 安潔莉 | 陳玟君 | Investigating the Use of Electronic Information Resources by Humanities and Education Graduate Students to Write MA Theses in English |
110 | 劉原向 | 葉純純 | Representations of English Users, Uses, and Cultural Contents in Taiwanese Junior High School English Textbooks |
110 | 蔡家雯 | 何德華 | An Investigation of Politeness in Indonesian International Students' English Email Requests to Taiwanese Faculty |
110 | 曾琬容 | 陳月妙 | Role-Play Strategy with Storybooks to enhance 4th grade EFL Students' Reading Comprehension |
110 | 涂鈺翎 | 陳月妙 | The Influence of Readers’ Theater on the First and Second Graders’ Letter and Word Recognition in a Rural Area |
110 | 邱珮瑜 | 陳玟君 | The Exploration of Using Bilingual-subtitled Videos for Improving Taiwanese College Students’ Listening Comprehension and Self-Regulated Learning |
110 | 安 褟 | 葉純純 | Academic Discourse Socialization: NNES International Students’ Perceived Difficulties in EMI Master’s Programs in Taiwan |
110 | 王佳鈴 | 陳玟君 | EFL Teacher Technological Proficiency Development through the Making of EFL Teaching Videos and the Potential Effects on Self-efficacy and Self-belief |
110 | 張 琳 | 陳月妙 | The Impact of Flipped Classroom and Adaptive Learning Platform on Taiwanese EFL Elementary School Learners' Receptive Comprehension and Learning Motivation |
109 | 林宜敬 | 鄭英雪 | Exploring Senior High School Students' Use of Online Dictionaries for Error Correction: Effects and Perceptions |
109 | 陳虹利 | 鄭英雪 | Investigating Taiwanese College Students’Perceptions and Attitudes towards the Use of Writing E-portfolios |
109 | 吳宜靜 | 鄭英雪 | Investigating Effects and Perceptions of Using Graphic Organizers to Improve Elementary School Students' Vocabulary Learning |
109 | 丁梅玲 | 劉德烜 | The Use of Teacher Questioning in an Elementary School Classroom: A Case Study of Native and Non-native Teachers of English |
109 | 王志成 | 陳月妙 | The Efficacy of Integrating Sentence Patterns Instruction into Dicto-Gloss Method on Learners’ English Listening Comprehension in a Mixed-Age Classroom |
109 | 恆 踏 | 紀鳳鳴 |
Investigation of Discourse Markers Usage in English Writing of Indonesian Senior High School Students |
109 | 安德里 | 紀鳳鳴 |
A Study on Teacher Questioning Strategies Used in an Indonesian EFL Class |
108 |
彭妍晞 |
紀鳳鳴 |
A Descriptive Study on Classroom Silence in EMI Classroom Contexts: Indonesian Students’ Perceptions and Taiwanese Teachers’ Actions |
108 |
鄭詩誼 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of the Difficulty Order in the Use of English Relative Clauses of EFL Taiwanese Junior High School Students |
108 |
王志成 |
陳月妙 |
The Efficacy of Integrating Sentence Patterns Instruction into Dicto-Gloss Method on Learners’ English Listening Comprehension in a Mixed-Age Classroom |
108 |
武段 英鴛 |
陳玟君 |
An Investigation on the Effects of Video Recording on Improving Vietnamese EFL Learners’ Speaking Skill |
108 |
許展銘 |
陳玟君 |
Using Song in a Mobile Application Design to Enhance EFL Students’ Learning of Verb Tense and Aspect |
107 |
何靜茹 |
紀鳳鳴 |
A Study of a Taiwanese EFL Elementary School Teacher’s Identity in Practice Using Mediating Tools |
107 |
楊雅淇 |
陳玟君 |
Effects of the Combination of Implicit and Explicit Instructions in Different Orders and the Use of Captioned Videos on L2 Vocabulary Development: A case study of EFL middle school students |
107 |
邱婷惟 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of Taiwanese EFL Senior High School Students’ Lexical Collocational Competence, Strategy Use, and Learning Beliefs |
107 |
何思慧 |
林惠玲 |
The Effect of Choice on Taiwanese EFL High School Students’ Vocabulary Learning Motivation and Performance |
107 |
李俊鈺 |
葉純純 |
EFL Children’s Strategy Use for and Linguistic Difficulty with Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondences |
107 |
菲特芮 |
陳月妙 |
An Investigation of Eighth- grade Students’ Problems in Writing English Recount Text at a Private School in Taiwan |
107 |
都曼修 |
鄭英雪 |
Hotel English: A Needs Analysis of Hotel Front Desk Staff, Vietnam |
107 |
黃博瑩 |
陳月妙 |
A Discourse Analysis of Two Taiwan Vocational High School Teachers’ English Classroom Talk |
107 |
洪采筠 |
葉純純 |
Native and Non-Native: Comparing Teaching Practices, Learner Perceptions, and Teacher Perspectives |
107 |
徐舜禹 |
陳玟君 |
Investigating College Freshmen’s Vocabulary Improvement and Attitude Changes under Video-Based Instruction |
107 |
王淳慧 |
陳玟君 |
From needs analysis to TBLT lesson design: ESP for Taiwanese fitness trainers |
106 |
侯宜伶 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of Digital Texts on Elementary 3rd Grade Low Achievers’ Vocabulary Learning and Reading Motivation |
106 |
馬里妮 |
陳月妙 |
A Case Study of a Graduate School Professor’s Questioning Strategies in EMI Classrooms |
106 |
杜梅芝 |
陳月妙 |
A Case Study of Application of a Multimodal Literacy Approach to Secondary School English Teaching in Vietnam |
106 |
魏亦朋 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of Watching Intralingual and Interlingual Subtitled English Animations on Vocabulary Learning for Eleventh Grade High Achievers |
105 |
韓提恩 |
紀鳳鳴 |
The Effects of Curriculum Implementation on Indonesian Students’ Willingness to Communicate in EFL Classes |
105 |
羅巧雯 |
陳玟君 |
Effects of Interactive Videos on English Reading Comprehension: A Case Study on EFL Junior High School Underachievers |
105 |
陳瑋碩 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of Etymological Analysis Vocabulary Learning and Traditional Definition-based Vocabulary Learning on Taiwanese High School Students’ Vocabulary Development |
105 |
許祐境 |
陳月妙 |
Reading Aloud as a Facilitator of English Ability and Learning Motivation: A Study with Junior High School EFL Students in Taiwan |
104 |
謝昊展 |
劉德烜 |
The Effects of English Written Corrective Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy: An Investigation of Past Tense |
104 |
羅彥喆 |
劉德烜 |
Exploration and Practice on Experiential Language Teaching |
104 |
許登基 |
陳玉美 |
The Effect of Explicit Linking Instruction on Taiwanese EFL Junior High School Students’ Oral Performance and Phonological Awareness of Connected Speech |
104 |
卓芳綺 |
紀鳳鳴 |
A Study of Teacher’s Intertextual Talk in an EFL Class |
104 |
薛依寧 |
紀鳳鳴 |
The Effects of Reading Strategies Instruction on EFL Learners’ Textual Comprehension: A Case Study of Five Struggling Senior- High School Students in Taiwan |
104 |
陳珮珊 |
紀鳳鳴 |
A Study of Negotiation of Meaning among EFL University Students in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication |
103 |
林榆森 |
陳玟君 |
An Investigation on Peer Tutoring in Face-to-Face and Blended Modes: Tutors’ and Tutees’ Performance |
104 |
黃 婷 |
林惠玲 |
An Evaluation of English Textbooks for Taiwanese Senior High School Students: Matching the Subject Curriculum and Satisfying Students’ Learning Needs on English Grammar Learning |
104 |
江宓莉 |
林惠玲 |
A Case Study: the Effects of Traditional Definition-based Instruction and Morphological Instruction on Undergraduates’ Vocabulary Learning |
104 |
黃心皇 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of IWB-assisted Instruction on Second Graders’ English Performance and Learning Motivation |
104 |
吳欣穎 |
陳玟君 |
An Investigation of Code Switching in Tertiary English-as-Medium-of-Instruction Classroom |
104 |
邱奕鈞 |
陳玟君 |
Non-native Speakers' Interactional Competence in English as a Lingua Franca in Online Discussions |
104 |
黃郁喬 |
陳玟君 |
Online Role Play Games in Task-based Blended Learning for College Second Language Learners in Taiwan |
103 |
許雅喬 |
葉純純 |
EIL in Junior High School English Textbooks: English Users and Uses |
103 |
蘇郁芳 |
陳玟君 |
Effects of Formulaic Sequences on Graduate Students’ English Oral Academic Presentation |
103 |
黃珉薇 |
陳玟君 |
Digital Storytelling for Reflective Learning at College Level |
103 |
莊閔琪 |
陳玉美 |
The Effect of English Accents on Taiwanese EFL University Students’ Listening Comprehension and Perception |
103 |
王芸姍 |
劉德烜 |
Gender Issues in Junior High School English Textbooks |
103 |
夏彥緯 |
陳月妙 |
Applying Peer-Responded Dialogue Journal to Senior High School EFL Writing |
103 |
林靜君 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of Third-Grade EFL Students’ Communicative Competence and Oral Performance by Communicative Language Teaching and Their Perceptions |
103 |
高佳琪 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of Taiwanese EFL Senior High School Learners’ Lexical Collocation Knowledge and Collocation Awareness |
102 |
沈昀徵 (原比較所) |
楊意鈴 |
Stephen Dedalus’s Self-Alienation and Fantasy in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man |
102 |
吳人楷 |
陳玟君 |
A Study on Foreign Language Teachers’ Professional Growth in Technology Integration through Cross-tier Collaboration |
102 |
張家瑀 |
陳玟君 |
Taiwanese Graduate Students’ Participation and Knowledge Construction in Online Academic Discussions |
102 |
林玟秀 |
陳玟君 |
The Effect of Repeated Viewings of Bilingual-subtitled Videos on College Students’ Listening Comprehension |
102 |
陳怡婷 |
陳玉美 |
Effects of Using Decodable Picture Books on Improving Junior High School At-Risk Students’ Word Reading, Spelling Ability, and Self-Efficacy |
102 |
陳巧柔 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Teaching EFL Junior High Students Verb Tenses |
102 |
黃禎怡 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of Readers Theater on Sixth Grade EFL Learners’ Word Recognition, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Motivation |
102 |
蕭幸檡 |
陳月妙 |
Investigating University Students’ Perceptions of Peer Response |
102 |
林文斌 |
陳月妙 |
Effects of Explicit Instruction on the Uses of Conjunctions to EFL College Students’ Essay Writing |
102 |
羅芝羽 |
洪志成 |
A Study of Academic Discourse Socialization of Three International Graduate Students in Taiwan |
102 |
簡嘉慧 |
劉德烜 |
Analysis of College Students’ Written Revisions to Peer and Teacher’s Written Feedback |
102 |
徐于婕 |
劉德烜 |
An investigation of the English Academic Writing Curriculum Design: a Comparative Study of Two Selected Universities in the UK and in Taiwan |
102 |
周攸芳 |
葉純純 |
Taiwanese Senior High School English Teachers’ Perspectives on Written Error Feedback and Feedback Practices |
101 |
王盈清 (原比較文學碩班) |
游文嘉 |
The Making of Horror in Edgar Allan Poe's Stories |
101 |
許佑銓 |
葉純純 |
Teacher Written Feedback, Peer Feedback, and Teacher-Student Conferencing: Taiwanese EFL Students' Attitudes and Perspectives |
101 |
江懿錞 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of Explicit versus Implicit Grammar Instruction of Comparative Adjectives for Seventh-grade EFL Students |
101 |
林聖博 |
陳月妙 |
An Analysis of Teacher Talk in English Classroom: A Case of Two University Teachers |
101 |
黃越 |
陳月妙 |
University Students' EFL Learning Anxiety and Use of Anxiety-Reducing Strategies |
101 |
林慧怡 |
紀鳳鳴 |
The Effects of Interactive Reading Aloud on EFL Remedial Students' Word Recognition and Reading Fluency |
101 |
陳怡雯 |
紀鳳鳴 |
How Taiwanese EFL University Students Negotiated Meaning through Video Clips on a Blog Platform |
101 |
黃千慈 |
林惠玲 |
The Effects of Input Enhancement on Taiwanese EFL Students' Learning of Past Progressive |
101 |
吳楷涵 |
林惠玲 |
Syntactic and Semantic Effects on English Relative Clause Acquisition: An Investigation of Taiwanese Senior High School Students |
101 |
陳嘉文 |
葉純純 |
The Relationship between Student Perceptions of Teacher Written Feedback and Writing Apprehension |
101 |
莊訓齊 |
陳月妙 |
The Use of Task-Based Instruction for Teaching EFL to Vocational High School Students |
101 |
黃雅芳 |
陳月妙 |
A Study of Explicit Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction on Taiwanese Adult Learners |
101 |
許瑛珍 |
陳玟君 |
Exploring the Effect of Online Reading Aids on Non-English Major Students' Reading |
101 |
鄭怡婷 |
陳玟君 |
Lexical Bundle Learning and Use for Online Academic Discussions |
101 |
蔡佳芳 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of College Students' Anxiety and Emotional Regulation on Oral Exams |
100 |
鄭惠茵 (原比較所) |
楊意鈴 |
論喬伊斯《都柏林人》中的食物與飲酒 |
100 |
黃伊嘉 |
紀鳳鳴 |
Meaning Negotiation via Jigsaw Tasks in EFL: Face‐to‐Face and MSN Communication |
100 |
余政諺 |
陳月妙 |
University Students’ Writing Error Analysis and Corresponding Strategies: A Case of an EFL Composition Class in Taiwan |
100 |
莊惠如 |
林惠玲 |
Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Acquisition of English Progressive Aspect |
99 |
林義翔 |
陳月妙 |
Functions of Teacher Praise: A Case Study with Two Junior High School Teachers |
99 |
王伶慈 |
劉德烜 |
A Study of the Types, Characteristics, and Corrective Length of Elicitation in Relation to Learner Uptake and Learner Repairs in Two Taiwanese Junior High Classrooms |
99 |
包珣瑜 |
劉德烜 |
A Case Study on a Teacher’s Questioning Practices in a Graduate Class in Taiwan |
99 |
林佩瑜 |
葉純純 |
Teacher Questioning and Classroom Participation in Two Taiwanese Junior High School English Classrooms |
99 |
曾欣愉 |
葉純純 |
Feedback Practices and Students’ Reaction: A Case Study in an EFL Composition Class in Taiwan |
99 |
鄭雪伶 (原比較所) |
羅林 |
One-Dimensionality and “The End of History” in Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano |
99 |
張心瑀 (原比較所) |
蔡美玉 |
The New Breed: A Mixed Race Picaro in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia |
98 |
田吉賢 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Collocation Competence and Collocation Learning Strategy Use |
97 |
陳蕾伊 |
陳玉美 |
Psychosocial Sources of Anxiety for Academic Oral Presentations |
97 |
周思余 |
陳玉美 |
A Study of Cloze Test Items in Scholastic Aptitude English Test and Department Required English Test |
97 |
丁宥暄 |
劉德烜 |
Research on Patterns of Classroom Discourse and Power Relations Between Teachers and Students in Graduate Classrooms in Taiwan |
97 |
胡琇晴 |
劉德烜 |
A Study of Corrective Feedback in Relation to Error Types, Learner Uptake and Repairs in Three Taiwanese Senior High Classrooms |
96 |
范元順 |
陳玉美 |
A Comparison of Scholastic Aptitude English Test and Department Required English Test |
96 |
徐筱玲 |
紀鳳鳴 |
A Study of Recasts Focusing on Three EFL Elementary-school Teachers |
96 |
李怡貞 |
林惠玲 |
A Study of Explicit and Implicit Teaching of Conditional Clauses to Taiwan EFL High School Students |
96 |
陳宣沂 |
林惠玲 |
The Effect of Focus on Form and Focus on Forms on Oral Accuracy and Fluency of EFL Students in Taiwan |
95 |
鄭惠文 |
陳玉美 |
An Investiragtion of EFL University Students' Outside Learning Tasks and Autonomous Learning |
95 |
王靜雯 |
陳玉美 |
The Effects of Cooperative Item Construction on EFL Vocational High School Students' English Learning |
95 |
林華瑩 |
劉德烜 |
A Case Study of a Teacher's Belief sand Behaviors of Error Correction Toward Two EFL Classes |