
葉純純 教授






英國 University of Leicester 應用語言學及英語教學博士











1. Yeh, C.-C. (2019). Interaction and participation in the small group writing conference. Journal of Response to Writing, 5(2), 175-204.

2. Yeh, C.-C. (2018). L1 versus L2 use in peer review of L2 writing in English. Asian EFL Journal, 20(9.1), 124-147.

3. Yeh, C.-C. (2017). Creative writing in an EFL writing class: Student perspectives. English Teaching and Learning, 41(3), 1-29. doi:10.6330/ETL.2017.41.3.01

4. Yeh, C.-C. (2017). Shared time, shared problems? Exploring the dynamics of paired writing conferences. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(3), 256-274. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1554480X.2017.1356232

5. Yeh, C.-C. (2016). EFL college students’ experiences and attitudes towards teacher-student writing conferences. Journal of Response to Writing, 2(2), 37-65. http://journalrw.org/index.php/jrw/article/view/54/41

6. Yeh, C.-C. (2014). Taiwanese students’ experiences and attitudes towards English-medium courses in tertiary education. RELC Journal, 45(3), 305-319. doi:10.1177/0033688214555358

7. Yeh, C.-C. (2013). An investigation of a podcast learning project for extensive listening. Language Education in Asia, 4(2), 135-149. doi:10.5746/LEiA/13/V4/I2/A04/Yeh

8. Yeh, C.-C. (2013). Instructors’ perspectives on English-medium instruction in Taiwanese universities. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 16(1), 209-232. (TSSCI)

9. Yeh, C.-C. (2012). Students’ citation knowledge, learning, and practices in humanities and social sciences. Asian ESP Journal, 8(3), 97-125.

10. Yeh, C.-C. (2011). Implementing a book translation project in the translation classroom. Studies of Translation and Interpretation, 14, 135-167. doi:10.29786/sti.201112.0007

11. Yeh, C.-C. (2010). Citation practices in TESL research articles: A comparison study. Asian ESP Journal, 6(2), 40-64.

12. Yeh, C.-C. (2010). New graduate students’ perspectives on research writing in English: A case study in Taiwan. Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 4(1), A1-A12. http://journal.aall.org.au/index.php/jall/article/view/115/83

13. Yeh, C.-C. (2009). Student perceptions of an EFL undergraduate research writing project. RELC Journal, 40(3), 314-332. doi:10.1177/0033688209343863

14. Yeh, C.-C. (2009). Student researchers’ citation behavior. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 6(1), 1-21.

15. Yeh, C.-C. (2009). Reflection in the translation classroom. Studies in English Language and Literature, 23, 107-118.

16. Yeh, C.-C. (2008). Promoting autonomy through listening journals. The East Asian Learner, 4(2), 14-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.5746/LEiA/13/V4/I2/A04/Yeh

17. Yeh, C.-C. (2007). Graduate students’ use of hedging devices. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 4(2), 25-42.

18. Yeh, C.-C. (2006). Journal exchange in a college writing classroom. English Teaching and Learning, 30(4), 69-85.

19. Yeh, C.-C. (2005). “Changing the path of the river”: Cultural phenomena in an EFL composition classroom in Taiwan. Studies in English Language and Literature, 15, 77-86.

20. Yeh, C.-C. (2004)。英文日誌在寫作課堂的應用。英語教育電子月刊,10

21. Yeh, C.-C. (2004). The relationship of cohesion and coherence: A contrastive study of English and Chinese. Journal of Language and Linguistics: An International Journal for Language and Linguistic Studies, 3(2), 243-260. http://webspace.buckingham.ac.uk/kbernhardt/journal/3_2/yeh3_2.pdf

22. Yeh, C.-C. (2002). Second language reading research and research paradigms: Approaches to studies in the importance of background knowledge in second language reading. Studies in English Language and Literature, 10, 89-96.

23. Yeh, C.-C. (2002). Small-scale survey research on second language reading strategy use of Taiwanese postgraduate students in the United Kingdom. 世新大學學報,12233-258.

24. Yeh, C.-C. (2001). Use of input texts in ESL writing: An experiment. Studies in English Language and Literature, 9, 83-94.


1. Yeh, C.-C. (2017). Learners’ decision-making in processing peer feedback of English L2 writing. In Y.-M. Chen (Ed.), The meaning of the end (pp. 131-154). Taipei: Crane.

2. Yeh, C.-C. (Ed.). (2016). Individual and community in the age of globalization. Taipei: Crane.

3. Yeh, C.-C. (2014). Exploring a British-Taiwanese language exchange. In P.-c. Feng (Ed.), Diversity and adaptation: Cross-cultural communication (pp. 55-76). Taipei: Crane.

4. Yeh, C.-C. (2013). Voice-based language exchange: Product, process, and perceptions. In K. Liu (Ed.), Teaching foreign languages and literatures: Multicultural perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches (pp. 57-81). Taipei: Crane.

5. Yeh, C.-C. (2012). Incorporating an English as an international language (EIL) perspective in teacher education. In C.-l. Wei (Ed.), Globalization and digitalization: Pedagogical challenges and responses (pp. 23-44). Taipei: Crane.

6. Yeh, C.-C. (2011). Translating global issues. In S.-l. Chang (Ed.), Think globally, act locally: Curriculum and instruction (pp. 147-170). Taipei: Crane.

7. Yeh, C.-C. (2010). Media literacy in the English classroom: Teaching through, with, and about media. In J. S. Tsay (Ed.), Boundary crossing: New visions of instruction and research (pp. 1-18). Taipei: Crane.

8. Yeh, C.-C. (2010). A survey study on university instructors’ views of EMI teaching. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C. (pp. 263-276). (May 1-2, 2010, National Kaohsiung Normal University). Taipei: Crane.

9. Yeh, C.-C. (2005)。寫作中心諮詢服務之探討。於李明懿、張惠琴編著,第二屆以中∕英文為第二語言∕外語之閱讀與寫作教學研討會論文集(pp. 135-147)。中壢:中央大學。

10. Yeh, C.-C. (2004). Journal writing in the learning of second language writing. 於李鳳慈編著,2004語文教育國際學術研討會論文彙編(pp. 83-100)。臺南:南台科技大學人文社會學院。

11. Yeh, C.-C. (2002). Research writing in an EFL context: A case study in Taiwan. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Leicester, UK.

12. Yeh, C.-C. (2001). Conferencing in a college composition classroom. In P. Chen & Y. Leung (Eds.), Selected papers from the Tenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 165-176). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane.


1. Yeh, C.-C. (2019, May). Teaching English as an international language. Keynote presented at Issues of Globalization: Teaching English as an International Language in Taiwan Conference, Nanhua University, Chiayi.

2. Yeh, C.-C. (2018, October). Interaction and participation in the small group writing conference. Paper presented at 2018 KOTESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea.

3. Yeh, C.-C. (2017, March). Student experience of creative writing in an EFL academic writing class. Paper presented at the 52nd RELC International Conference on Dimensions of Language Education: Policy, Perspectives, Practice, Singapore.

4. Yeh, C.-C. (2015, November). L1 versus L2 use in computer-mediated peer feedback. Paper presented at the 2015 Symposium on Second Language Writing, Auckland, New Zealand.

5. Yeh, C.-C. (2015, May). The language of communication in computer-mediated peer review in L2 writing instruction. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Language Learning, Kobe, Japan.

6. Yeh, C.-C. (2014, January). Managing and participating in paired writing conferences. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

7. Yeh, C.-C. (2013, October). Teacher-student conferences in L2 writing instruction. Panel presentation at the 7th Conference on College English, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.

8. Yeh, C.-C. (2013, June). Intercultural learning in language exchange. Paper presented at 2013 CHAIR Roundtable (1): Multicultural Learning, Chiayi, Taiwan.

9. Yeh, C.-C. (2013, May). Small group conferencing in second language writing instruction. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C., Tainan, Taiwan.

10. Yeh, C.-C. (2013, February). Using podcast resources for listening training. Paper presented at the 9th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

11. Yeh, C.-C. (2012, December). Student perceptions of English-medium teaching in Taiwanese universities. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & the 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia, Hong Kong.

12. Yeh, C.-C. (2012, October). Incorporating an English as an international language (EIL) perspective in teacher education. Paper presented at 2012 Symposium on Cultural Hybridity and Interdisciplinary Research, Chiayi, Taiwan.

13. Chou, Y.-F., & Yeh, C.-C. (2012, May). Taiwanese senior high school English teachers’ beliefs about written error feedback and feedback practices. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan.

14. Yeh, C.-C. (2011, September). Translating global issues. Paper presented at 2011 Symposium on Cultural Hybridity and Interdisciplinary Research, Chiayi, Taiwan.

15. Yeh, C.-C. (2011, June). Conferencing in Taiwanese EFL writing classrooms. Paper presented at the 2011 Symposium on Second Language Writing, Taipei, Taiwan.

16. Wu, F-y, & Yeh, C.-C. (2011, June). NNS graduate students' identity formation in academic writing. Paper presented at the 2011 Symposium on Second Language Writing, Taipei, Taiwan.

17. Yeh, C.-C. (2010, September). Media literacy in the English classroom: Teaching through, with, and about media. Paper presented at Symposium on Cultural Hybridity and Interdisciplinary Research, Chiayi, Taiwan.

18. Yeh, C.-C. (2009, October). English as medium of instruction in Taiwanese universities. Paper presented at English as an International Language Conference, Izmir, Turkey.

19. Yeh, C.-C. (2009, April). Graduate students’ citation learning and attitudes. Paper presented at The Third Conference on College English, Taipei, Taiwan.

20. Yeh, C.-C. (2008, September). Citation practices in applied linguistics research articles: A comparison study. Paper presented at 41st BAAL Annual Conference, Swansea, UK.

21. Yeh, C.-C. (2008, March). How student researchers hedge their writing. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics 2008 Conference, Washington D.C., USA.

22. Yeh, C.-C. (2007, September). Student researchers’ citation behavior. Paper presented at 2007 Symposium on Second Language Writing, Nagoya, Japan.

23. Yeh, C.-C. (2006, December). Acquisition of research writing: Graduate students learning to write. Paper presented at Tamkang International Conference on Second Language Writing, Taipei, Taiwan.

24. Yeh, C.-C. (2005, July). Student perceptions of an EFL undergraduate research writing project. Paper presented at ICIC’s Second Annual Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Written Discourse Analysis, Indianapolis, IN.

25. Yeh, C.-C. (2004, November). Journal exchange in an EFL writing classroom. Paper presented at 13th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.


1. Yeh, C.-C. (2016)。英文寫作學習者使用同儕回饋的決策過程(MOST105-2410-H-194-084)。科技部專題研究。

2. Yeh, C.-C. (2014)。寫作課堂之線上同儕互評:互評語言、分組方式、及寫作文體(MOST103-2410-H-194-085)。科技部專題研究。

3. Yeh, C.-C. (2013)。線上語音語言交換學習歷程及成效(NSC102-2410-H-194-079)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究。

4. Yeh, C.-C. (2011)。師生寫作晤談之技巧與策略(NSC100-2410-H-194-106-MY2)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究。

5. Yeh, C.-C. (2010)。大學英文寫作教學中的師生寫作晤談(NSC99-2410-H-194-123)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究。

6. Yeh, C.-C. (2009)。大學師生對全英語授課課程的態度 (NSC97-2410-H-194-070-MY2)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究。
