
蔡美玉 副教授兼系主任






美國 Michigan State University 英美文學博士










1. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2017. "We Did Not Know": Reading German’s Silence, Guilt, and Responsibility in Uwe Timm’s In My Brother’s Shadow: A Life and Death in the SS." NTU Studies in Language and Literature 37 (2017): 23-45.

2. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2014. "A Poetics of Testimony and Trauma Healing in Anne Michaelss Fugitive Pieces." Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 32.3 (2014):50-72.AHCI期刊;本論文目前已被引用5次)

3. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2011. "The Silence was a Mountain": Forgiveness and Post-Holocaust Memory in Jonathan Safran Foers Everything Is Illuminated." Fiction and Drama 20.2 (2011): 99-130. (THCI;國科會外文學門推薦期刊)

4. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2010. "Enemy of the State: The Oxymoronic Existence of Being a Palestinian-Israeli in Emile Habiby’s The Secret Life of Saeed: The Pessoptimist." NTU Studies in Language and Literature 24 (Dec. 2010): 79-106. (THCI Core )

5. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2010. "He Is Not Black, He Is Not White, He Is Just Exotic, OK?": Karim Amir as a Mixed Race Picaro in The Buddha of Suburbia." Fiction and Drama 20.1 (2010):71-102. (THCI;國科會外文學門推薦期刊)

6. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2007. "Traumatic Encounter with History: The War and the Politics of Memory in Mrs. Dalloway." NTU Studies in Language and Literature 18 (Dec. 2007):61-90. (THCI Core ) (此論文已被國內外研究學者多次引用)


1. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2017. "Chains and Links: Transgenerational Haunting in Rachel Seiffert’s The Dark Room and Uwe Timm’s In My Brother’s Shadow: A Life and Death in the SS." The Meaning of the End. Ed. Yuh-Mei Chen. Taipei: Crane, 2017. 65-88.

2. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2013.〈看見歧視,刻畫身份:淺談楊謹倫《美生華人》中的影像視覺認同政治〉Teaching Foreign Languages and Literatures: Multicultural Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ed. Kailing Liu. Taipei: Crane, 2013. 201-210.

3. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2011.〈以圖見/證世紀浩劫:試論斯皮格曼《鼠族:生還者的故事》中的兩代創傷〉Think Globally, Act Locally: Curriculum and Instruction. Ed. Shu-li Chang. Taipei: Crane, 2011. 197-211.

4. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2010. "Post-Holocaust Forgiveness in The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness." Boundary Crossing: New Visions of Instruction and Research. Ed. Jane S. Tsay. Taipei: Crane, 2010. 141-163.


1. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2019~2020.「絆//盼?:圖像小說,Eva Kittay的依賴理倫,及關懷照護」。科技部專題研究計畫(計畫編號:108-2410-H-194-003

2. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2013-2015.「不能說的秘密:猶太浩劫中的童言童語,納粹魘語,以巴對語以及詭秘的親暱」。國科會專題研究計畫(計畫編號:NSC102-2410 -H-194-103-MY3

3. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2011-2013.「後記憶的回與迴:猶裔美籍第二,三代猶太浩劫書寫」。國科會專題研究計畫(計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H- 194-121-MY2

4. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2010.「二十世紀英文小說中的創傷與復原」。教育部人文社會學科學術強化創新計畫: 經典研讀課程(計畫編號:MOE-099-01-02- 2-11-2-19

5. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2008.「糾葛的記憶:當代以巴文學中創傷,分治,與國族論述」。國科會專題計畫:人社領域學者國內訪問研究(計畫編號:NSC 98-2420-H- 194-003-2R


專書 Books

1. Tsai, Mei-Yu. 2009. Performing the Trauma of History: the War and the Politics of Memory in the Works of Sigmund Freud, D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, and Malcolm Lowry. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009. (博士論文改寫出版)
