
楊意鈴 副教授






英國Queen’s University Belfast 英語系博士










1. Yang, Yi-ling. “Bourdieu’s Language Games in James Joyce’s ‘Cyclops’ and Chen-ho Wang’s Rose, Rose, I Love You.” Fiction and Drama 23.1 (2013): 153-84.

2. Yang, Yi-ling. “‘Circulation on the Waters of Civic Finance’: Water and Economy in Ulysses.” Studies in English Language and Literature 33 (2014): 125-58.

3. Yang, Yi-ling. “Translating the Nation: Translation as a Literary Device in ‘Cyclops’ and Rose, Rose, I Love You.” NTU Studies in Language and Literature 31 (2014): 117-50.

4. Yang, Yi-ling. “‘The Living Strut and the Dead Souls Creep’: Mourning and the Return of the Dead in Patrick McCabe’s Winterwood.” Fiction and Drama 24.1 (2014): 105-31.

5. Yang, Yi-ling. “The Quotation of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and the Transformation of the Catholic Church in Patrick McCabe’s The Holy City.” Ex-position 42 (2019): 221-44.

6. Yang, Yi-ling. “Silence on the Border in Eoin McNamee’s Resurrection Man and Brian McGilloway’s The Nameless Dead.” Ex-position 48 (2022): 47-72.


1. 楊意鈴。〈全球與在地的連續: 從〈獨眼巨人〉和〈伊瑟卡〉的敘述者聲音談起〉。《喬伊斯的都柏林: 喬學研究在台灣》。台北:書林,2008255-84

2. Yang, Yi-ling. “Teaching Irish Literature in Taiwan: A Case Study of English Majors.” Boundary Crossing: New Visions of Instruction and Research. Ed. Jane S. Tsay. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.,Ltd. 179-217.

3. Yang, Yi-ling. “Multicultural Teaching: An Intertextual Reading of Cultures in Irish and Taiwanese Literatures.” Think Globally, Act Locally: Curriculum and Instruction. Ed. Shu-li Chang. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.,Ltd. 121-46.

4. Yang, Yi-ling. “Using Google Earth to Teach Irish Literature.” Globalization and Digitalization: Pedagogical Challenges and Responses. Ed. Chin-lung Wei. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. 179-95.

5. Yang, Yi-ling. “Teaching Wateriness in Ulysses: Integrating Poster Presentation Into a Graduate Course.” Teaching Foreign Languages and Literatures: Multicultural Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Ed. Kailing Liu. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. 143-56.

6. Yang, Yi-ling. “Facilitating Students’ Discussion of Eighteenth-Century English Literature through Cooperative Journals.” The Meaning of the End. Ed. Yu-Mei Chen. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. 1-26.


1. 2010-2012 國科會專題研究計畫「翻譯‧國家文學:《尤利西斯》與《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》」 NSC 99-2410-H-194-138-MY2

2. 2017-2018 科技部專題研究計畫「麥克白《聖城》中的天主教、情欲與《年輕藝術家畫像》段落」MOST 106-2410-H-194-008.

3. 2021-2023 科技部專題研究計畫「再思北愛爾蘭驚悚小說中的邊界MOST 110-2410-H-194 -075 -MY2

4. 2023-2024 國科會專題研究計畫「北愛動亂驚悚小說的文類跨界NSTC112-2410-H-194-044


1. 103-2學系服務學習課程優良課程獎

2. 106 學年度教師優良教學獎

3. 107年度 特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵
