姓名 |
楊敏 |
職稱 |
助理教授 |
最高學歷 |
香港 The University of Hong Kong 英語教育博士 |
研究領域 |
語言教師教育及專業發展、寫作教學與回饋、學術語言社會化 |
研究室 |
文374 |
分機 |
31214 |
*the corresponding author
1.Yang, M. (2024). Nurturing Beginning EFL Teachers’ Sense of Plausibility in Teaching Through Formal Coursework: A Qualitative Case Study. English Teaching & Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42321-024-00195-8 (THCI-core; ESCI; Q2)
2. Yang, M.*, & Mak, P. (forthcoming). Fostering Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking Instruction in Language Teacher Education Classrooms: Insights from Teacher Educators. Foreign Language Studies. (TCI)
3. Yang, M. (2024). Fostering EFL university students’ motivation and self-regulated learning in writing: A socio-constructivist approach. System, 124, 103386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103386 (SSCI; Q1)
4. Tsang, A., Yang, M., & Yuan, R. (2024). The relationships between participation in intercultural activities on campus, whole-person development, and academic achievement: a mixed-methods study. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(4), 1256-1270. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2021.1963121 (SSCI; Q1)
5. Wang, Z., Tsang, A., Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (2024). Probing curriculum coherence in pre-service teacher education: an exploratory study. Journal of Education for Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2023.2169601 (SSCI; Q1)
6. Yang, M. (2023). Supervisory feedback, reflection, and academic discourse socialization: Insights from an L2 doctoral student's paper writing experience. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 62, 101215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2023.101215 (SSCI; Q1)
7. Yang, M.*, & Yuan, R. (2023). Early-stage doctoral students’ conceptions of research in higher education: Cases from Hong Kong. Teaching in Higher education, 28(1), 85-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2020.1775191 (SSCI; Q1)
8. Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (2023). Towards an understanding of translanguaging in EMI teacher education classrooms. Language Teaching Research, 27(4), 884-906. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168820964123 (SSCI; Q1)
9. Mak, P., Yang, M., & Yuan, R. (2023). Fostering teacher competence through classroom-based research during field experiences. Journal of Education for Teaching, 49(5), 841-856. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2022.2150963 (SSCI; Q1)
10. Yuan, R., Lee, I., De Costa, P., Yang, M., & Liu, S. (2022). TESOL teacher educators in higher education: A review of studies from 2010 to 2020. Language Teaching, 55(4), 434-469. https:// doi.org/10.1017/S0261444822000209 (SSCI; Q1)
11. Yuan, R., Mak, P., & Yang, M. (2022). ‘We teach, we record, we edit, and we reflect’: Engaging pre-service language teachers in video-based reflective practice. Language Teaching Research, 26(3), 552-571. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168820906281 (SSCI; Q1)
12. Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (2022). Unpacking Language Teacher Educators’ Expertise: A Complexity Theory Perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 56(2), 658-687. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3088 (SSCI; Q1)
13. Yuan, R., Yang, M., & Mak, P. (2022). Undergraduates’ motivations to engage in extracurricular research: Evidence from Hong Kong. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(6), 679-689. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2021.1930568 (SSCI; Q1)
14. Yang, M., Mak, P., & Yuan, R. (2021). Feedback experience of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Voices from pre-service English language teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30, 611–620. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-021-00618-1 (SSCI; Q1)
15. Yuan, R., Yang, M., & Lee, I. (2021). Preparing pre-service language teachers to teach critical thinking: Can overseas field school experience make a difference? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 40, 100832. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2021.100832 (SSCI; Q1)
16. Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (2020). Understanding university-based teacher educators’ boundary crossing experiences: Voices from Hong Kong. Teachers and Teaching, 26(2), 193-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2020.1777961 (SSCI; Q1)
17. Yuan, R., Yang, M., & Stapleton, P. (2020). Enhancing undergraduates’ critical thinking through research engagement: An exploratory qualitative study. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100737 (SSCI; Q1)
1. Yuan, R., Wang, K., & Yang, M. (2023). How do pre-service language teachers engage in online teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic? An exploratory study. In K. W. H. Yung & H. Xu (Eds.), Educating Teachers Online in Challenging Times (pp. 37-51). Routledge.
2. Yuan, R., Yang, M. (2022). "I Come up with a New Way of Seeing Life": Pre-Service Language Teachers' Reflective Practice during Overseas Immersion. In Z. Tajeddin & A. Watanabe (Eds.), Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices and Impacts (pp. 179-193). Multilingual Matters.
*the corresponding author
1. Yang, M. (2024). A Developmental Perspective on L2 Writing Teacher Expertise: Insights from Pre-service English Teachers. Paper presented at The Ninth International Conference on English Teaching at Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan.
2. Yang, M. (2024). Exploring Pre-Service English Teachers’ Development of L2 Writing Teacher Expertise. Paper presented at 58th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
3. Yang, M. (2022). Pre-service English teachers’ development of a sense of plausibility about English language teaching (ELT) via learning ELT methods. Paper presented at ETRA2022, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Yang, M. (2018). "This type of feedback is biased toward Chinese people": Beginning doctoral students' ambivalence in the feedback-revision process from a second language socialization perspective. Paper presented at The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2018, Hong Kong.
5. Yang, M. (2018). Dealing with Multiple Voices: Doctoral Students’ Responses to Feedback in Thesis Writing. Paper presented at The 16th Asia TEFL, The 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics (MAAL) & The 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) International Conference, Macau.
6. Yang, M. (2017). Dealing with Multiple Voices: Academic Discourse Socialization of Non-native English Speaking Beginning Doctoral Researchers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the BERA Annual Conference 2017, Brighton, UK.
7. Yang, M. (2017). Dealing with Multiple Voices: Academic Discourse Socialization of Beginning Doctoral Students Using English as an Academic Lingua Franca at a university in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference 2017, Leeds, UK.
8. Yang, M. (2016). Academic Discourse Socialization of Beginning Doctoral Researchers Using English as an Academic Lingua Franca in Hong Kong. Paper presented at JACET 55th International Convention, Sapporo, Japan.
9. Yang, M.*, Chang, Y., & Huang, H. (2013). EFL Students’ Use of Interpersonal Discourse Strategies in Oral Presentations. Paper presented at the 22nd ETA International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.
10. Yang, M., & Huang, H. (2013). Being Model Speakers: Investment and Challenges. Paper presented at the 39th JALT Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, Kobe, Japan.
1. 從SDGs出發的英語聽說專題式學習設計與實踐(國立中正大學112學年度第1學期深耕計畫補助創新教學)
2. 2023 英語為第二語言生手寫作教師專業知能之質性個案研究
(NSTC 112-2410-H-194-038-) (A Qualitative Case Study of Inexperienced L2 Writing Teachers' Expertise)
3. 2021 探討職前英語教師如何藉由學習「英語教學法」發展英語教學「合理性感覺」之實踐者研究
(MOST 110-2410-H-194-108-)(A practitioner research on pre-service English teachers’ development of a sense of plausibility about English language teaching (ELT) via learning ELT methods)